Choosing Hypnosis For Weight Loss

By Mark Tuttle

I am all too familiar with the pain of being overweight. Even from the time I was young I have been confronted with the problem of my weight. Growing up only increased the difficulty and I was despairing about finding a way out.

When I realized the connection between hypnosis and weight loss I realized what I had been missing. Like everyone, I was dubious about doing hypnosis myself when I was presented with the idea. I saw that many of my friends were successful with losing weight and keeping it off when they used hypnosis and I was impressed with the results.

I believed that hypnosis was some type of brainwashing technique but what I learned was that in fact it is medical technique that is frequently practiced by a certified psychiatrist. I began to feel that there was some hope for me in using hypnosis for weight loss.

I had to choose between going through a hypnosis and weight loss program under the supervision of a qualified practitioner or just doing it on my own. It's essential to do the research to figure out the right thing for you. This is critical to being successful.

I was encouraged by the various self hypnosis courses I learned about since they all seemed to offer something positive. Instead of being something that was beyond my understanding, the reality was that it offered a way of overcoming my deeply-rooted bad eating and exercise habits. Now I'm glad to share whenever I can with people about how effective hypnosis and weight loss programs can be.

If you share my experience, you know the burden of a weight problem that seems like it will never go away. But don't give up. Hypnosis and weight loss can offer you the answer you've been seeking to permanent weight loss and the end of the constant battle. - 30535

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Could your job be the source of your upper arm fat?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Did you know that poor work conditions can lead to more upper arm fat? Although this may sound ridiculous, research has shown this to be true.

How can we make such conclusions? Well, this groundbreaking research was done in England and showed how rank, among many other factors, can influence what you eat, how much you exercise and how much fat you carry.

So here is what to look out for at your job:

1. No control. If you aren't in control, or if you feel like you aren't in control, stress is going to rise too high. In fact, in many other areas of life, a lack of control is directly related to heightened stress hormones which can lead to more upper arm fat.

2. Excess tenseness. If you feel like you are in a constant state of tension, stress hormones are going to flood your body. And said hormones can alter levels of arm fat. One simple test is to assess how stiff your neck muscles are.

3. Clarity of given tasks. If the work you are supposed to do is unclear, stress will rise. Ask your superiors for more clearly defined work. State how your productivity will increase and never point fingers. After all, finger pointing will only increase work-related stress.

4. Your rank. The research from the UK showed that lower ranking jobs lead to more weight gain. So if you are stuck in a lower ranking position, seek out other activities in which you can be more dominant. Perhaps you have a latent talent or hobby you have forgotten about.

5. Having a mono-identity. Don't let your work define who you are. When things are going good you will feel good. But anytime something goes bad you will get flooded with all those stress hormones. Subjecting yourself to this emotional roller coaster is unnecessary.

Unfortunately, there is only so much you can do here. If your job is becoming a true nightmare despite all your efforts, you may have to find a different workplace. If this isn't possible within your company, you may have to find a different job! Then you may notice that the upper arm fat comes off a little easier! - 30535

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Anxiety Panic Attack Symptom - When Is Anxiety Abnormal?

By Sue Johnson

We all will feel anxious at one time or another. Many people's worst fear is public speaking. Others may become anxious if they have to drive in heavy traffic. We're all different.

Some degree of anxiety is an appropriate response in many situations. In fact, some degree of anxiety can even help us perform better if we channel its energy properly. As long as we are able to perform at a high level, we are probably OK.

As with anything else, too much becomes the problem. Too much anxiety results in severe anxiety panic attack symptoms. At this point they interfere with our ability to live life normally and something needs to be done. If the person experiencing the episodes chooses to do nothing their life as likely to spiral out of control.

There are a few ways to distinguish abnormal anxiety from an appropriate response. We generally have an idea of the seriousness of the situation and can gauge whether our response is in the same ballpark. Another way to judge is to look at the results. For example, if we're anxious about test that anxiety leads us to put in a few extra hours studying then it's helpful. On the other hand, if the anxiety has is so worried we feel overwhelmed and hopeless, it has become a problem.

Anxiety panic symptoms happen on the physical side as well. A severe anxiety attack triggers the fight or flight response leading to an outpouring of adrenaline. The adrenaline causes a rapid, pounding pulse and many other uncomfortable symptoms.

Considering that anxiety panic episodes affect both the physical and emotional state, it's not surprising that people find them so distressing. Anyone would naturally want relief from that distress. Fortunately, in today's world people suffering from these attacks have many treatment options available - 30535

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Your Amazing Mindpower

By Brian Parry

Scientists estimate that we only use around ten percent of our mind power. - Only ten percent! Can you imagine what would happen if you could access the remaining ninety percent? The results would be incredible!

Scientists agree that people who exhibit psychic and extra sensory abilities must be able to use these abilities due to somehow using that 90% of the human mind which usually lies idle. Some people appear to have these abilities from birth but others develop their mind power and start using these latent talents later on in life.

How exactly all of this works is not yet entirely understood, but progress continues to be made in examining how our thoughts may affect the world around us.

Some studies even point towards the ability of our own minds to change reality. Our minds may be molded by the world less that they mold it, it seems.

And with films such as 'The Secret' which explains the theory of the law of attraction, people are realizing that by changing the way they see things and by using their mindpower, they can attract abundance and anything they want into their life.

This principle states that there are causes and effects to everything, even our own thoughts can bring about tangible effects if directed properly. It all relies on being able to get your conscious mind to communicate to your subconscious in order to use your latent mindpower to achieve results.

The subconscious mind appears to be out means of communicating with the universe and channeling universal energy as well as being the source of psychic abilities like telepathy.

In order to develop your mindpower, you need to get your conscious and subconscious minds in communication with each other. There a number of different methods to build this link and help you increase your mindpower.

Affirmations:- Affirmations are a well known positive thinking technique. When you repeat a positive affirmation to yourself, your subconscious begins to understand and begin using your untapped mindpower and start making your wishes a reality.

So if someone needed more self esteem for example, they would keep repeating to themselves at various times throughout the day something like: 'I am a confident person' 'I deserve to be happy' etc. Or they may wish to change a bad habit which would involve them repeating to themselves: 'I always eat sensibly' or 'I no longer feel the need for a cigarette'.

With consistent repetition affirmations really do work. You communicate with your subconscious mind, telling it to do something different and it does! It makes you behave differently.

So just take this a stage further and realize that anything you want to change will change; not just your behavioral habits but absolutely everything in your reality. This is mindpower!

Visualization:- You can also develop your mindpower using visualization. Visualization consists of closing your eyes and picturing the things you want to happen in your mind's eye. Your subconscious mind responds to the images which you focus your thoughts on and begins using your mindpower to make them a reality. You can visualize anything you want and with practice, you'll increase your mindpower and make it possible.

You can use visualization to help you develop some of the psychic abilities which are naturally present in every human being. You can visualize yourself predicting the future or communicating via telepathy. If you keep practicing, visualization can bring these latent abilities to the surface and increase your mindpower even further.

Hypnosis:- Hypnosis is another well known way of communicating with your subconscious mind and helping to develop mindpower. If you visit a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist they will start by making sure you are totally relaxed and then offer suggestions to your subconscious mind which it will remember when you wake up.

You can also use self hypnosis by listening to a recording of a hypnotherapy session. Not only s this less costly than seeing a hypnotherapist, but you can use this recording over and over again as needed.

Brainwave entrainment:- Brainwave entrainment uses new breakthroughs in audio technology. Certain frequencies attune your brainwaves resulting in many different benefits such as pain relief and improved memory.

Other frequencies can assist you to get into a state of meditation very quickly to allow communication with your subconscious mind and therefore the development of your mindpower to take place.

There are also frequencies designed to stimulate the chakras; these are your body's energy centers. One of the most important chakras is the 'third eye' which corresponds to psychic abilities.

All of us already have these psychic powers; but they must be developed by enhancing your mindpower. Unless you make the effort to develop these abilities, they remain locked in your subconscious mind and are never used.

So when we talk about developing mindpower we really mean unlocking all of the latent powers and true potential of every human being. - 30535

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Mindpower Secrets Revealed

By Brian Parry

Scientists estimate that we only use around ten percent of our mind power. - Only ten percent! Can you imagine what would happen if you could access the remaining ninety percent? The results would be incredible!

Scientists agree that people who exhibit psychic and extra sensory abilities must be able to use these abilities due to somehow using that 90% of the human mind which usually lies idle. Some people appear to have these abilities from birth but others develop their mind power and start using these latent talents later on in life.

We're not sure yet how it works, but there is ongoing research into how our own mindpower can influence the world we live in.

Some studies even point towards the ability of our own minds to change reality. Our minds may be molded by the world less that they mold it, it seems.

'The Secret' and other works about the law of attraction lay out how to use mindpower to change their lives and even the world!

In case you have not come across it before, the law of attraction concerns the whole universe and states that there is a cause and effect for everything we do. So whatever you think about you will get! You must however communicate with your subconscious mind to tell it what you want; otherwise it presumes you want everything to stay as it is. Scientifically this is known as a state of homeostasis.

It seems that not only is the subconscious the prime mover behind psychic powers like remote viewing and telepathy, but is also our conduit to the energy of the universe around us.

Now the key to the development of your mindpower is to communicate with your subconscious mind. But how exactly do you do this? There are a number of ways.

Affirmations:- Affirmations are a well known positive thinking technique. When you repeat a positive affirmation to yourself, your subconscious begins to understand and begin using your untapped mindpower and start making your wishes a reality.

If you needed to boost your self esteem, you may tell yourself things like 'I am confident and well liked'. If you want to break a habit, you can use affirmations like 'I only eat healthy foods'.

With consistent repetition affirmations really do work. You communicate with your subconscious mind, telling it to do something different and it does! It makes you behave differently.

Follow this line of reasoning and you'll see that you can change everything; not just your own behavior but reality itself can be molded by your own mindpower!

Visualization:- You can also develop your mindpower using visualization. Visualization consists of closing your eyes and picturing the things you want to happen in your mind's eye. Your subconscious mind responds to the images which you focus your thoughts on and begins using your mindpower to make them a reality. You can visualize anything you want and with practice, you'll increase your mindpower and make it possible.

You can use visualization to help you develop some of the psychic abilities which are naturally present in every human being. You can visualize yourself predicting the future or communicating via telepathy. If you keep practicing, visualization can bring these latent abilities to the surface and increase your mindpower even further.

Hypnosis:- Hypnosis has long been known as a way to communicate with the subconscious and to increase mindpower. A hypnotist can give suggestions to your subconscious which it will act on.

Alternatively you can try self hypnosis where you listen to a recording of a hypnotherapist going through the session. The advantage of this, apart from the cost, is that you can keep listening to it over and over again.

Brainwave entrainment:- Brainwave entrainment uses new breakthroughs in audio technology. Certain frequencies attune your brainwaves resulting in many different benefits such as pain relief and improved memory.

Some frequencies attune your mind to the trance state where it becomes easy to speak directly to the subconscious and thus increase mindpower.

Other frequencies can stimulate the parts of your body known as the chakra energy centers. There is a chakra in the center of your forehead called the third eye chakra which is responsible for psychic powers.

In fact you do not even really 'develop' these powers. They are inside you already. It is thought that humans many thousands of years ago had this enhanced mindpower, but it became repressed and locked deep inside the mind.

When we talk about developing mindpower, what we really mean is unlocking the potential psychic abilities which are present in every person and starting to access the potential of that 90% of the brain which we don't use every day. - 30535

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Depression and Anger Go Together

By Owen Jones

Anxiety and depression are almost certainly the causes of uncontrollable anger. When a person is continuously worried about problems they have no control over or even problems they do have control over, it often results in depression. If you feel that, there is no hope then your depression can affect your life and cause you to sink into a spiral of despair.

Taking control of your emotions usually produces good results. If you feel that the world is falling down around your ears, then you are almost definitely thinking negatively, which brings on depression and anxiety. In this short piece, we will discuss some techniques to empower you to cope with anxiety and depression, thus relieving uncontrollable anger.

Firstly, let us examine the symptoms. Do you feel like you are going out of your mind? Do you scream in your head: 'I can't take it any more?'. Do you feel like everyone is out to get you? Do you think people view you as mad? If you are undergoing any or all of these symptoms then you are probably suffering from some form of anxiety and depression.

If you can not find a way to think differently, then you will probably explode when your emotions bubble over and your anger bursts out. Instead of telling yourself that you are out of your mind, why not tell yourself that you are only having atemporary emotional problem and that you need to resolve the situation. Review all the problem areas carefully and search your memory to see if there are answers to your problems there. Reviewing like this, often opens doors to resources you may have forgotten about.

If you feel like someone is out to get you then you might have a chemical imbalance or a mental illness. Why not go to see your doctor or a mental health expert to learn more about the symptoms and find a way to regain control of your life. Anxiety and depression can play tricks with your mind but sometimes the thoughts are simply the result of a chemical imbalance.

If you think that people think you are going crazy, you might care to remember that most people have their own problems and have no time to analyze you as a person or your life. When you walk into a room and think that people are staring at you, you might want to remember that people observe things around them, making sure everything is OK and then return to their own private lives.

If you feel like you just cannot take it any more, just bite your lip and walk another mile. When times are difficult, it does not mean it is the end of the world, although sometimes it may seem this way. If you are struggling to pay bills, fighting to hold a family together, or having difficulty with your children then remember that we all have these problems at some time or another in our lives.

Are your children driving you out of your mind? If they are, take time out. Go and do something entertaining or some exercise. This very often relieves the stresses that lead to anxiety, depression and anger. Life is just too short to worry about the things in life that you do not have control over. If you have problems, the answers lie within you, so it pays to look into your head.

If you are really struggling to reach your goals then you might want to break them down into smaller more realistic segments and work patiently to achieve them. If you set goals that are within reason, you will not need to get stressed out finding a way to achieve them.

It is important to treat yourself every day. Learn some coping responses that will benefit both your mind and your body. If you feel bogged down, you might want to take deep breaths say,ten times.

Curling up on a couch and watching a favorite movie can benefit your mind and your body, if you want to let your thoughts wander. However, learn to focus on what you are doing instead of worrying about what you are not doing. This often clears the mind and helps you to relax.

If you are subject to unbridled anger, you will most probably have problems for the remainder of your life unless you learn to master your emotions. Remember that depression leads to uncontrollable anger. - 30535

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Learning About Abnormal Psychology

By Benjamin Kyles

Have you heard of F-99? Read up! This new definition of 'abnormal psychology' could put you in an asylum! The World Health Organization (WHO) refers to the International Classification of Diseases, revision ten (ICD-10), Chapter Five, "Mental and Behavioral Disorders" as a universal descriptor of abnormal psychology. The description of mental and behavioral disorders presented in this chapter essentially define the abnormal everyman, the abnormal men and women of the world.

The WHO rightfully takes a global view on the individual. All people in the world are equal in the eyes of the WHO. At the outset, this is a troubling position. Abnormal psychology always appears in contrast to a cultural norm. From the WHO's perspective, the individual's abnormality must be measured against a universal norm, not a cultural one. A universal norm may indeed represent the behavior of a universal or global culture. As global government emerges on the back of a global economy, a global culture may very well ensue. This means that ICD-10 will become the standard used by global government to identify and treat the abnormal personality.

Since critical treatment of abnormal behavior may result in incarceration, such as in a hospital for the criminally insane, our personal freedom may be taken if our behavior fits into one of the categories of 'abnormality', as described in the ICD-10. You can see that it only makes good sense for us to safeguard our freedom and become informed of what the World Health Organization considers abnormal psychology. You may well be shocked to learn that ICD-10 has an 'unspecified' category: this means that virtually any behavior might qualify as abnormal psychology and require governmental intervention, correction, and monitoring.

Against the norms of a global culture, the ICD-10 identifies organic, physical, affective, schizophrenic, and neurotic disorders. It includes retardation, developmental disorders, behavioral syndromes, and childhood and adolescent emotional disorders. These are certainly categories of abnormal psychology and most people would not take issue with these. What most people would take issue with, are those people who treasure liberty and would see all governments limited in exercising yet more authority, is the ICD-10, Chapter 5 category, F99, the 'unspecified' category. While all the other categories of mental illness point to well known and specific mental disorders, category F99 identifies the behaviors described only as an "Unspecified mental disorder".

The problem is immediately apparent in the phrase. All behavior that is not in one of the other, specific mental disorder categories of the ICD-10 is unspecified behavior. For example, dissent is not found in any legitimate and specific category, but the behavior fits well into F99. Dissent may represent a minority of the populace, an abnormality. Religious rituals are another form of behavior that fits into F99. Will dissent and religious practice be seen as an abnormal psychology? Will it thus require corrective treatment?

The broad generality of F99 should make it unacceptable to all people of the world. An 'unspecified' mental disorder category may have a place in research psychology, but it does not belong in the canon of abnormal psychology. If your personal freedom is important to you, hopefully this brief introduction provides a heads-up on what's coming. - 30535

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Self Help Anger Management

By Samantha Katherine

Besides the obvious advantage of convenience with online anger management classes, there are other reasons to consider them as well. First, these sessions may go far in helping you preserve your marriage if your spouse is often at the receiving end of your anger. Uncontrolled tempers can be severe enough to put a marriage on the brink of divorce, especially if physical contact or abuse is involved in the anger flare ups.

In these cases, specific relationships may be addressed in the anger management class, to improve those relationships that may have been damaged through uncontrolled fits of anger. People who are suffering the physical or relational consequences of unchecked anger may want to consider an anger management class. This may be a husband who is on the brink of divorce or a mother who has trouble controlling her rage in front of her children.

And then breathe deep breaths to calm you down. Anger management children and adult classes don't come cheap, but if you really just sat for a moment you have choices, and justified them sensibly, you should come to the right decision on your own. Lives could be lost in the heat of the moment if all seems red at the time, even for children. Anger management children and adult classes would teach time out techniques for when you can literally step away from the situation.

If you don't know how to handle your angry child, it's best to find help. Find a professional who can recommend or set your child up with some anger management activities for children which will help them better take hold of their emotions. Anger management activities for children can be anything that takes their mind off of whatever's making them angry and which helps them focus their energy more productively.

That's because anger can branch out and affect different parts of your life, such as relationships, jobs, and finances without warning. Everything may end up suffering if anger management counseling isn't undertaken promptly. Putting off the problem doesn't help matters, so if you think you have an anger problem, seek counseling immediately. Everybody in your life, yourself included, will be very thankful that you've learned to control your anger.

Or, as many people do, you might just carry that anger inside, where it grows and grows. Visiting an anger management counseling center can help you deal with both the causes and effects of anger so that you are a happier, healthier individual. Anger management counseling centers carry a variety of programs, but you need to decide if you want to attend public or private centers first. - 30535

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What Causes Panic Attacks?

By Greg Anderson

The precise causes for panic attacks is largely unclear, and can vary by person. While certain factors can make a person more susceptible to panic attacks, there is not a specific medical or psychological issue causing panic attacks: The cause can sometimes be as individual as the person experiencing the panic attack.

According to scientific experts, the effects of panic attacks may possibly be related to the action of chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. If neurotransmitter are mis-firing, they can make a reaction called "fight or flight" occur. This reaction is typically the precursor to panic attacks. The unknown here is why this reaction would be set off when the time is wrong, and the reasons behind that are still being researched today.

The exact reasons that people have panic attacks are usually unknown. There are so many different things that may contribute to panic attacks that it is possible only to find commonalities that may cause a person to be more likely to have them. There is not yet a decisive triggering factor that is identical in each and every case. It is quite possible that genetics may play a part since panic attacks sometimes follow family blood lines. Sometimes life events that cause a lot of stress can possibly contribute to panic attacks.

There are some medical conditions, and drugs related to those conditions, that could possibly bring on panic attacks. Should you start to have panic attacks for the first time, it is best to see your physician so that the cause can be determined if at all possible.

The medical problems that might be related to panic attacks include the following: Mitral valve prolapse, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, stimulant use, and withdrawal from medication.

Panic attacks which stem from diagnosed medical problems can often be eliminated or at least controlled much better by the alteration of drug doses or substitution of drugs where possible. There are other changes that your doctor may ask you to make to help control medically related panic attacks also.

If your panic attacks do not have medical origins, then there is still hope. It is possible to control and potentially eliminate panic attacks via the usage of a psychological program. Panic Away is a program which is designed to stop the panic attack triggers. Even if you are not certain of every one of your triggers, it can help you because the program takes away the fear of more panic attacks. As anyone suffering these attacks knows, the fear of more attacks is often the worst part.

Since this is a program that makes sure to exert influence on only the areas of the brain that actually cause panic attacks, this is the most effective way to put a stop to these life damaging attacks. - 30535

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The Law Of Abundance And Your New Life

By Kim McMillan

There is nothing complicated about the law of abundance, to put it simply all you need to do is believe. You should believe you deserve wealth, health, happiness, love and think positive. That is it, no more no less. All types of people have been abiding by this law for generations and this simplistic belief has reaped many benefits for them.

Its lack of difficulty is the best thing about the law of abundance. It may be a novel concept but the truth is everything you have and who you are is a product of what you have been thinking over the past few years. Believe it or not the things you do not have are also a product of this type of thinking.

When you wake up every day, the law of abundance is automatically at work for you. The problem with most people is that they fail to take advantage of the 'powers that be' in their lives.

If you want your dreams to come true and manifest themselves in your life, you must look at what you have already. It is through appreciation for these things that you will see multiplication begin to take hold in your life.

It's common sense. If you are naturally a pessimistic person, thinking positively about life may seem like a challenge. In reality, all you are doing is breaking a bad habit. Again, taking advantage of the law of abundance doesn't have to be difficult.

When you awake each day, you have the ability to create multiple opportunities for happiness and wealth. When you greet the day in a foul mood however you are setting yourself up to experience disappointment and even failure. If you need some help along the way, try posting notes around the house about how successful and lucky you truly are.

Being open to this level of abundance, you will find there are so many things for you to attain. By not taking advantage of the law of abundance, people will foil their own success and wealth. If you truly want to prevent this, you must take control of your thought life. Make it a conscious decision to change the way you think.

When a negative thought sneaks into your thought processes flip it upside down and turn it into something that is positive for you. There are those who find it beneficial to feed off these negative thoughts. If you are naturally pessimistic, this may be something you can work with to bring about the law of abundance.

Many people are constantly thinking of themselves in the negative, feeling like they are fat or ugly, next time try telling yourself how beautiful and fit you are. You will feel the happiness begin to flow abundantly in you. At this point, you will have whatever you ask for because this energy is irresistible and contagious.

Do you want to see abundance increase in your life drastically? Instead of constantly thinking, you never have any money turn it around and say you have everything you need and then some!

Making the law of abundance a moving force in your life is something you can achieve. When you accept life, the way it is and appreciate what you already have, you open the door to the law and you will be absolutely amazed by how much better things will be. - 30535

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Benefiting From The Cosmic Order Service

By Jamie-Lee Day

The cosmic order service is an ancient concept but has become extremely popular over the last decade. Many famous people and celebrities are raving about it and giving credit of their success to having made a cosmic order. How does the cosmic order service work? And what makes it work for some and not for others?

To be able to comprehend the facts about cosmic order, you should distinguish first what your mind is and what it can do for you. Our mind has the capability to think. The mind is somewhat connected to the movement of the Universe. The mind knows what you believe and what you want. Knowing what you want, deciding that you want this, and believing that you will get this is the remarkable power of the mind.

Researchers have revealed that the smallest unit of matter are called quarks which are in a state of constant vibration. When these quarks make big jumps and quantum leaps, they change the very make up of matter. What makes these quarks make such quantum leaps? The answer is simple; energy. Our thoughts are nothing but energy. So, all you need to do is use the energy in the right way to manifest all what you want.

Most people have no idea how they can bring about a dramatic positive change in the pattern of their life. They look around and see and hear destructively. They ponder on lack rather than abundance. They envy other's happiness and success and are sure that they can never be as happy as them. With just the correct change in your thought pattern, you can turn everything around in your life towards a positive direction, but it may not be as simple as it sounds.

Spending years in negative, poverty thinking, has been the reality of many people's life. This kind of thinking becomes a habit and they feel that there isn't enough good in the universe to provide for everyone's needs. They place the blame on luck and past karmas. These people feel that they are receiving what they deserve, but they forget a vital point; you deserve for you believe you deserve. If you are also the kinds who worry about money matters, about health and never really think that good can happen to you, you never will be disappointed because you are using your cosmic order service. You get what you firmly believe in.

There are some people who feel that suffering is noble and they can never be perfectly happy. Their thoughts tell them to work hard or else they have no worth in life. As a result this ideology which is ingrained into their mind as small children is constantly reinforced time and again.

What will happen to your life depends on what ideas and beliefs you would supply to your mind. If you think that you are not going to prosper, then you will not really prosper. You have the choice to order the best the world can give or the poorest there is.

You can bring about a dramatic and positive change in your life but for that you will have to go deep into the mind to undo years of negative conditioning. Positive thinking works only if your mind is convinced about what you are telling or repeating to it. You need to first get rid of every thought of failure that you have believed in so far.

In order to do this you can use some techniques that will make things happen for you rather than you just sitting and waiting for the good to come to you. Self-hypnosis, positive healing affirmations and chakra balancing are some ways to get connected with the ever helping power of the universe. Even listening to binaural brainwave training frequency waves does you a lot of good.

These rituals and brainwave frequencies will prepare your subconscious mind to interact with the forces of universal energy by freeing the mind from all negative thoughts and create new and positive desires for a positive outcome.

Nothing comes free in this world. The price for whatever you desire from the cosmic order service is knowledge. The knowledge that you can be and have whatever you want in this very lifetime. All you need to do is get rid of old beliefs and instill new ones. This requires courage, patience and persistence but can lead to a lifetime of pleasure and happiness. - 30535

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Developing Your Clairvoyant Abilities? Don't Doubt Yourself

By Paul B Dickinson

Clairvoyance is definitely a controversial topic-no matter to whom you speak. It goes against the grain of many religious beliefs and the reality most people understand. And while medical science has taught us much about the human mind, there is still so much that is unknown or unproven that we remain mystified about topics such as this. People who believe in the power and abilities of clairvoyants believe those people are able to tap into a sixth sense or a region of the brain not yet fully explored or understood.

Perhaps everyone has a bit of clairvoyant ability at their disposal. They just may not know it. For others-a minority to be certain-clairvoyant abilities are obvious and undeniable. These are the people we hear of who are considered natural clairvoyants. Other people, however, may wish to explore their own clairvoyant abilities or gifts and try to develop this sixth sense. If you want to develop your clairvoyant abilities, you must become a clairvoyant free of all self-doubt.

The way to start is with a complete acceptance and an open mind to all things psychic. To those who doubt and question, the door to developing their latent clairvoyant will remain forever locked.

But what does clairvoyance really mean? Well, clairvoyance may be described as the ability to discern events naturally, (through this so called sixth sense), that have happened in the past, or are about to happen at sometime in the future, or that are happening simultaneously some distance away. Sometimes this ability comes in flashes or bursts to the untrained, often in times of deep stress or impending danger, as in stories of people who have a premonition that their flight will crash and who then purposely miss that flight to later find out that the flight did indeed end in disaster.

So, in order to become a true clairvoyant free your mind of all skepticism and open your awareness to be all-encompassing. Clairvoyance is drawn from the universe around us, and in order to develop as a clairvoyant you must be able to become as one with this universe. To develop this serene sense of "oneness" you must first learn to practice meditational type exercises.

Everything around us is born of, and is therefore a part of the universe and it is by learning to attune our spirits with it that we can tap into the universal continuum, and see events that have taken place or that are yet to take place, or sometimes something that is happening elsewhere in the world.

As you develop this new awareness, you should know that you may first experience small glimpses that you cannot really decipher. Perhaps it will be a feeling or an emotion, a flash of an image, or a new sound. You are beginning to become a part of the universal continuum. Accept it and continue to practice meditating and increasing your awareness.

To be a successful clairvoyant belief is everything, for if you have any shadow of doubt, you will not be able to progress to the level of the complete clairvoyant free from worrying what they see, or feel, or hear being only in their imagination.

In our society, it is sometimes difficult to accept that we may have any clairvoyant abilities at all. Certainly we were never encouraged to think so in our upbringing. Rather, the focus of our education was on concrete objects and verifiable facts or equations, not fanciful thoughts or imagination.

But a clairvoyant free from such misgivings will be able to develop and "tune" their ability of receptiveness. At the beginning of your journey into clairvoyance, the trance like state of meditation is however key. As you progress and become more assured, your ability to tune yourself in will become second nature. You will learn quickly how to shut out the material world in order to be able to make way for the spiritual universe.

A clairvoyant free from distractions and the "politics" of life will be able to perform much more efficiently. It is important to have complete harmony around you. If there is anything that you feel is disharmonious, you need to cleanse yourself of it. If it is an object, get rid of it. If it is a person, avoid them. Any distractions will subtract from your ability to practice your clairvoyance.

You must also maintain a quiet, still confidence in yourself and your ability. This is the key to removing self-doubt. A clairvoyant free of negativity can receive insights, and as you become more confident, you will increase confidence in the people around you, as well.

If desired, you may even wish to explore some tools and techniques other clairvoyants use. Tarot cards, crystal balls, and palm readings are utilized by some clairvoyants. This, too, could be a tool that will help you explore your gifts.

To be a true clairvoyant is a gift. Many well-known and famous people speak with clairvoyants to access their insight before making important life decisions. Some clairvoyants even become famous for their remarkable insights. If you have the gift, embrace it and use it to help others. - 30535

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Chakra Energy Unleashed

By Jonathan Benjem

At the outset, let me share a secret that very few people in the world know (and if they know, they dont acknowledge it!). All the human beings have a huge reservoir of energy, large enough to make sure that our physical and mental health always remains upbeat. This secret is a commonplace among large Hindu and Buddhist population in India and other parts of the world, for most Americans and Europeans, this is an invaluable piece of information, which theyd like to explore further.

They call the phenomenon as the Chakra Energy. To a layman, it is the energy generated by the seven primary energy centers in the body. Interestingly, all these seven energy centers are situated in the upper half of the body, i.e., from head to the base of spine. These primary energy centers are:

* Base Chakra (RED) located at the coccyx (base of the spine).

* Sacral Chakra (ORANGE) located in the lower abdomen.

* Solar Plexus or the Power Chakra (YELLOW) located in the stomach region, just above the navel.

* Heart Chakra (GREEN) situated in the center of the chest.

* Throat Chakra (BLUE) located at the base of the throat.

* Brow or the Third Eye Chakra (INDIGO) located between the brows on the forehead.

* Crown Chakra (VIOLET) located on top of the head.

The uninterrupted movement of these Chakras produces the Chakra Energy. It is this energy, which is decisive in determining whether you enjoy a healthy physical and mental body.

The movement of the Chakras has to be harmonious in order to produce the desired effect. Naturally, the movement of Chakra is in sync, but imbalance can occur due to several physical or emotional pressures. The remedy is simply to work towards the achievement of Chakra Balance through physical and metaphysical means.

So, whats there to know about Chakra Energy? The entire Chakra System of the body is based on the spiritual side of our existence. Its more a matter of feeling than sensing. You can say that Chakra System is a part of the sixth sense in your body. The energy produced by the Chakra System is responsible for blessing you with a healthy life or cursing you with an unhealthy one.

If the movement is in sync, the Chakras will produce sufficient energy to ensure physical and mental well being. However, if the movement is not in sync, the energy so produced will not be sufficient and itll invariably result in some body ailment.

Undoubtedly, Chakra Energy plays a decisive role in human lives, but is it possible to work around the Chakras and bring about a balance in their movements? Though Chakra movement is a natural phenomenon, yet you can direct your physical and spiritual energies towards attainment of Chakra balancing. Learning is an art and invariably, a slow process. But if your have determination and perseverance, its an achievable goal. The exercise is pretty simple. Firstly, just sit or lie down in the most comfortable posture with eyes closed. The next part is to relax and feel all the body parts from visible organs to the minutest cell within the body. Dont avoid the distractions, like myriad thoughts. With time, theyll disappear. Keep it going for about half-an-hour to any length of time for as many days as you can. Youll surely feel the difference.

Now, if thats so simple, why dont many people just give it a go and get rid of all the ailments from their lives? This is because our over-reliance on science to bring quick-fix changes in our body system. The scientific advancements have made humans too much dependent on technology. Resultantly, we have forgotten to live healthily naturally.

Fortunately, everything is not lost forever because the Chakra Energy is within, and you can correct the Chakra movements anytime you want to change your life for better. All it requires is sustained effort and a strong desire to make a healthy change in your life. If you appreciate and understand your body and its simple requirements, then balanced Chakra movements is not too difficult to achieve. Originally, our needs are not meant to go beyond what Mother Earth can naturally provide. However, the imbalance of Chakra movements is the price we have collectively paid for the scientific advancements. And Chakra balancing is the answer to all your health-related questions in the Twenty First Century. - 30535

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Useful Online Dating Advice

By Jackie Green

My online dating career has been an on and off one, depending upon where I'm at with my relationships. However, I've always found it to be a trusty source of dates that I return to whenever I've needed to. I've found more success over the years, thanks to some strategies that I never kept in mind to begin with.

First of all, it's critical that your profile stands out from the rest of them. Too many people simply blend in, and doing that gets them nowhere. You'll want to seem different from the rest, as different is great when it comes to this stuff.

Unless you're extraordinarily good looking, there's a good chance that you'll get contacted by nowhere near as many people as you're capable of if you keep things generic. You absolutely must do everything you can to make your profile interesting.

Stay away from the cliche phrases that you see in so many profiles that you read, and do something different. If yours looks like the rest, someone may read about you for a few seconds before moving on, as they'll see you as a dime a dozen when it comes down to it.

Pay just as much attention to your picture selection too. Don't simply include a portrait or two and a Halloween picture. It seems like everyone does this, and the more of a variety of pictures you're able to present, the more interesting you'll come across as.

You want to come across as someone who does many different things. In doing so, your potential dates will associate you with an exciting lifestyle that they want to be a part of.

Make your profile description sound personalized too. You want your readers to feel as if you're writing specifically for them, as if your presence online was created for them. You'll be much more likely to be contacted this way.

These are all simple tips, but they're pieces of advice that way too many people overlook. The good news is that they can all be fixed within a matter of minutes. - 30535

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How To Really Love Your Spouse

By Carol Ann

How do I love thee let me count the ways? Well, ask yourself honestly are you doing enough to love your spouse? The answer is probably not. Life is busy, even chaotic at times and it is very easy to get wrapped up in the everyday happenings of life. It is easy to take your spouse and their love for you for granted. But this can be the source of many marriages becoming dull and played out.

In order to have a marriage that truly is "till death do you part" you must invest in your relationship. You can accomplish this by doing whatever it takes to make it successful. This could mean taking a day off to spend with them, or planning a surprise getaway weekend where you spend the day together in bed. You can also do little, simple things such as leaving a note in their car or lunch or planning a romantic meal and having it waiting when they come home from a tough day.

Finding special ways to make your spouse realize how important they are is one of the most important things that you can do to keep your marriage on track. Letting them know that they are the most important thing in the world to you, is one of the keys to a happy and successful marriage.

A marriage requires nurturing in order to grow. If you show your love for one another and make your marriage the top priority on your life, then you will have the tools you need to overcome any problems that try to creep into your marriage. With a nurtured marriage you will be able to face problem head on and overcome them as a team, before they get a chance to destroy all that you have worked for with your spouse.

Marriage is more than a partnership it is romance that must go on and on. Treating your spouse as a lover and a best friend is the key to making your marriage the most meaningful relationship in your life. People will envy the love that you share if you take a little time out each day to devote to showing your spouse how much you love and care about them. It is truly amazing how just a few little ounces of effort a day can add up to a lifetime of happiness. - 30535

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NLP Can Allow You To Achieve Anything You Desire

By George Hutton

One of the greatest models of communication today is NLP. In this article, I'll give you a few tips and insights about NLP. While not exhaustive in the least, this article will give you a good starting point on your life long discovery and learning of NLP.

First of all, what exactly is NLP? It has been said that NLP is a model of excellence. OK, what exactly does that mean? Well, NLP was created by watching people who are the very best at what they do. And since the first people that were modeled were therapists, that used their words, NLP can be considered a model of excellence in communication.

One of the first people they modeled with NLP was Dr. Milton Erickson. He had created his own from of hypnosis. Instead of sitting you down in a chair and waving a watch in front of you and trying to convince you that your eyes were getting heavier and heavier, he had a different method. He would tell you these stories and metaphors that didn't make a whole lot of sense, but somehow they would solve all your problems.

Just from this one genius, a model of communication that is known as the Milton Model was created. This is likely the most persuasive and influential strategy that you can learn. Politicians and the best salespeople today use this model, either knowingly or unknowingly. If you search online for the Milton Model, you'll find an abundance of free information to get you started.

Others have described NLP as the objective description of the subjective experience. Say you are afraid of dogs. Instead of asking why, and digging into your past when you were first bit, NLP asks how you are afraid of dogs. What images do you see, what do you imagine when you see a dog? Once you have these, it's easy to change them, and the fear of dogs can disappear.

The best use of NLP is it's ability to model any skill in any person so that you can develop it in yourself. If you want to be a good golfer, you an model Tiger Woods. If you want to be a great musician, you can model Beethoven. They don't even have to be alive. Once you learn how to model the excellence you see in others, the sky is the limit to your unlimited potential. - 30535

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10 Tips To Help You Select An Online Distance Education College

By Mary Jackson

Accreditation - this is perhaps the most important of the rules. Accreditation confirms that the college meets certain educational standards that are set by the accrediting education agencies. If you earn credits from an accredited online distance education college, chances are you can transfer them to another accredited institution of your choice. Your chances for acquiring a new job or getting a promotion are greatly enhanced if your degree is accredited.

Degree mills and fake colleges - today the internet is flooded with fraud and fake accrediting institutions that give "accreditation" to any willing organization at a fee. Be safe and stay on the look-out for such institutions when you're choosing your online distance education college. There are always "tell-tale" signs of institutions that are not legitimately accredited. If in doubt, check with the United Stated Department of Education or CHEA to find out if the college you are interested in is accredited.

Does the college and degree program you wish to pursue fit with your long-term goals and career? if you are thinking let's say, enrolling in an online associate degree program and later hope to earn a bachelors degree (online or campus), find out how likely it is that your associate degree coursework will transfer by looking for a list of colleges which have accept transfer credits.

Class size plays a big role in an online distance education college as it does in a traditional classroom. The smaller the better, thus you should investigate the class size of the institution you wish to join.

How about the qualification of the faculty in the program that you're interested in? What degrees do they hold? From which institutions? What experience do they have in the subject they teach? Do they have experience teaching online classes? Do your homework and get answers to avoid been taught by other students like yourself.

Are the administrators, technical staff and faculty responsive if you need help or have questions with your courses? Since every college offers a different form and level of support, make sure you find one that is aligned with your needs and expectations. This will alleviate frustration when you need help during your classes.

Most colleges have their online classes rolling out all the time. This is a great thing and makes learning flexible. As such you should not feel pressured by the admission office or anyone else to start your program right away. You should start only when you feel your mind is set to it. This will ensure you stay motivated and put the effort you need to succeed with your classes.

Be sure you understand whether a certificate or degree can be completed entirely online or whether on site projects, class meetings, or residency periods will be required.

Many online colleges have some form of financial aid or tuition assistance, loans, grants, scholarships available to their online students. You will be surprised at what you can qualify for. Many online schools offer tuition payment plans and employee reimbursement programs. Make sure you ask what tuition programs are available to you.

Your research for a good online college should not be a hurried task. Invest time in it and ask lots of questions. Quality education is crucial to your career advancement thus you should not get less than you deserve. New and traditional colleges are coming up with online programs every day. You have more choices than ever before to get your best education online. - 30535

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7 Strategies To Succeed With Online Education Degree

By Mary Jackson

The ability to obtain an online education degree has opened the educational doors for many students who cannot afford to attend school on campus as a full-time student. Distance learning courses definitely provide some advantages over the traditional college education. But, because of the methods of delivering and receiving the material, students must consider the 7 things necessary in approaching an online education successfully.

1. Choosing the best education online institution - Make sure the institute for higher education chosen has adequate resources and accreditation recognized by the proper authorities. Unless authenticity can be verified, find another school. Sadly, unscrupulous degree mills offer degrees with short-term or no real education. Thus, the diplomas are bogus and absolutely worthless. Find a school that provides solid education, ample student support, and the facilities necessary to succeed in your distance learning.

2. Check the cost vs. benefit - Many students don't check the cost-benefit factor before enrolling into an online education degree college. We are all aware that acquiring an education requires huge amounts of money. But a smart move is to first compare with what the future earning potential of your profession will be once you earn the degree. Once you figure this out, only then would you determine if it makes sense to acquire an online education degree.

3. How do employers view an online education degree? - There are many instances where employers were skeptical about the legitimacy of online education degrees. With so many "diploma mills" out there, it's warranted for employers to be cautious. Although an online education degree might be legit, it would be very helpful to the employer if you provided the type of accreditation your college has beforehand to avoid any misunderstanding. By letting the employer know in advance that your institution was accredited by an institution that is recognized by CHEA and US department of Education, you will be a step ahead in qualifying for that dream job.

4. Practice discipline, time management and be determined to succeed - During the course of learning, many students simply lack discipline and are unable to focus. This makes it difficult to keep up with their online lessons and coursework, it is thus crucial for students in pursuit of online education degree to have a great determination to succeed. It is very easy to lose focus and motivation when studying alone. Exercising good time management and keeping in constant touch with classmates would increase the morale to succeed.

5. Take advantage of the facilities available - Online lectures and email correspondence are a great venue for facilitating communication with fellow students, tutors, and instructors. Take every opportunity to utilize these options as a means of progressing through the classes, staying motivated, and feeling connected with your accredited online college or university.

6. Make use of Credit transfers - Even institutions solely dedicated to the online education degree will generally accept some, or all, of the credits obtained from another accredited online college or university. So, to avoid the expense and time necessary to retake unneeded courses, make the effort to obtain official transcripts. Then, the applicable credits can be transferred, bringing the student a little closer to that coveted diploma.

7. Make use of the educational technology - Accredited online universities offer a plethora of opportunities for doing necessary research and other facilities to ensure adequate completion of the course. Normally, the cost of virtual libraries, the programs to access online lectures, and even student online access and e-mail accounts are factored into the cost of the course. Therefore, it only makes sense to use all the technology available to make the most of the educational opportunity in achieving an online education degree. - 30535

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How You Can Succeed With Distance Learning Education While You Work?

By Mary Jackson

Distance learning students and those pursuing online degree programs seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education without actually needing to attend classes physically, and at the same time are able to keep their jobs and get a paycheck. In fact, this is one of the more prominent distance learning benefits that attract many students to make this their choice of education. In addition to that, distance learning students also gain the advantage of flexibility where they are able to study at their own pace without adhering to fixed class schedules.

However, amidst these benefits, distance learning requires a lot of discipline and motivation from students. When we are juggling between a job and studies, it is very easy to lose track of your priorities and fail to keep up to mark. Moreover, distance learning students do not have the advantage of getting their learning drive renewed whenever they interact with lecturers or peers in classes.

Therefore, how can distance learning students then overcome this challenge? One habit that a student must adopt is good time management. There is only 24 hours in a day and it is up to us to utilize our time in the best way possible. Set up a daily or weekly plan for yourself and ensure that you set aside time for your studies daily. If you have a family, let them know about your schedule so that they know when you should not be disturbed. Divide your time appropriately between your work, your family and your studies. Of course, discipline is important here as any schedule will not do any good if it is not followed.

Staying motivated can be difficult for many who are earnestly striving for a distance learning education. Therefore, it is imperative to stay in contact with fellow students. With the availability of email, instant messages, class online message boards, and online chat, it is a great way to commiserate, encourage, and discuss assignments and projects. Staying in touch with other students taking the class helps in keeping each other active in class and accountable.

Setting goals and rewarding yourself when you attain them are great self-motivating habits. Start by drawing a chart on the milestones that you need to reach in order to complete your course. Strike out each goal as you complete them and reward yourself accordingly. There is a certain satisfaction whenever we see ourselves progressing and this becomes a motivating force for us to face the next hurdle.

Finally, make sure to have a quiet, undisturbed place to study. It is extremely easy to be distracted by the television, a ringing phone, or normal family activities in the household. If necessary, lock yourself in a quiet room equipped with a comfortable chair, a good desk or table, and ample space to create a productive learning environment.

In short, successful completion of a distance learning education is totally dependent on good study habits and the determination of the individual to reach the pre-determined goal. Like any degree program, it takes old fashioned hard work, discipline, and the intrinsic motivation to succeed. - 30535

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Do Potential Employers Value Distance Learning Degrees?

By Mary Jack

With the technological expansion of the Internet, distance learning degrees have become increasingly popular. With great support facilities and the convenience of online degree programs, parents and workers can still have a family and a job while receiving an education. Unfortunately, the Internet has also provided an avenue for individuals making money by selling bogus degrees over the Internet. In a 2003 report by USA Today, 400 diploma mills are already in operation, with the shameful industry already worth $500 million per year, and the numbers are still rising.

However, despite all of the negative talk about the value of distance learning degrees, many such colleges and universities offer valid online learning degrees and diplomas. The students and instructors are held to the same standard of educational excellence as those in the traditional classroom. The method is simply an alternative for the individuals who may otherwise not have an opportunity to earn a degree. Online courses, online video lectures, test examinations, and even online library facilities ensure the students truly earn their degree in higher education. Unfortunately, many potential employers have heard about the bogus degrees and tend to assume an online degree is of lesser value.

To avert the confusion, 6 accrediting agencies were set up by the National Education Board of the U.S government with the role of providing accreditation to colleges and universities who meet a set educational standard. This ultimately differentiates the legitimate colleges from the fake ones. Students enrolling in these accredited colleges can rest assured they are receiving quality and qualified education. Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) is an additional accrediting body which solely exists for the purpose of providing accreditation to colleges that offer distance learning degrees. DETC is a legit body that falls under the umbrella of the US Department of Education and CHEA.

For the students looking for specific programs of specialization, various associations are available to assess the excellence of these distance learning degrees and grant the necessary accreditation to qualifying schools. For example, accounting programs are scrutinized and accredited by the International Association for Management Education, and health programs answer to the evaluations of the American Health Management Association. Only the agencies recognized by CHEA or the Department of Education have the authority to grant institutional accreditation.

Why should a student be concerned about an educational institutions accreditation? Basically, it is to ensure everyone is receiving the same quality education, whether they are attending classes on campus or seeking distance learning degrees. Before granting accreditation for online degree programs, an agency assesses whether the basic requirements for support, education, and learning facilities are in place. In addition, specialized programs must submit curriculum to be evaluated, based upon the pre-determined standards of the specialty, regardless of the college or university.

Distance learning degrees from accredited institutions assure graduates, parents and prospective employers any degree earned is well deserved. The work completed has met the standards of adequately preparing people in their major area of study. Conversely, it also means colleges and universities not granted accreditation do not meet the standards of excellence required. Nevertheless, for the student who is only taking classes necessary to an area of specialization, only the courses need that all important stamp of approval.

In the end, it is totally up to potential employers to decide whether to hire an individual with a distance learning degree. With skepticism influenced by all the bogus diploma mills, no wonder they are being more cautious. Therefore, if the accreditation is supplied by a trusted and recognized source, the application for a job is less likely to be set aside. Instead, it has a better chance to be found in the stack for a second interview or final selection for a job position. - 30535

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MCs The Brotherhood Mentality Vs

By LJ James

This Month I want to talk about the Brotherhood mentality verses the gang mentality in the Motorcycle Club world . Now for those of you who may be asking what is the difference? I will set up a scene to help give you an idea! At a small Bar a member of a Motorcycle Club walks in he sees four Bikers playing pool, He can tell they are a bit nervous, They see his patches and they know who he is with. Now how does he act? Does he walk over to the pool table knock the 8 ball in the pocket say games over and tell one of them to buy him a beer or does he walk over introduce himself and let them know when they are done shooting pool they are welcome to stop over at the bar and have a beer and talk with him! One is the gang way of thinking the other is the Brotherhood way of thinking! I really don't think I need to tell you which is which!

Now one thing everyone needs to remember is all of the original Motorcycle Clubs Started out with the idea of being a tight nit group of Brothers and just about all of these Motorcycle Clubs got along. Don't forget many of the men who started the first MCs where returning home after serving their country during times of war. They where looking for that feeling of Brotherhood here at home that they had been left behind. These where good men seeking adventure, looking to ride their Motorcycles and have a good time with others like themselves. Today most Motorcycle Clubs have gone back to that way of Club thinking, There are very few Clubs that still have the Gang Mentality that was seen mostly during the 70's threw 90's. During the late 90's things had just gotten too far out of hand and most Motorcycle Clubs began to realize the Gang Mentality was not the way it was meant to be and it was not the way they wanted it to be anymore, This was not what the Clubs where started for ! Many Clubs who had been friends where now fighting with each other. No one wanted to wear club support gear and things where just not fun anymore. These MC's had all started their Clubs with the same ideals and ways of thinking, How and why had they grown so far apart that they now hated each other!

Well the answer to how is during the 50's and 60's the golden age of the Brotherhood years of Motorcycling the Motorcycle Clubs where really huge. During this great time many of the Biker Movies that came out showed Motorcycle Club Members as Bullies and thugs. The Bikers in these movies would pick on those weaker then them, take over small towns and the Clubs in these Movies all fought each other just like the street gangs of the time! So of course over time many new Bikers came to believe that this was the way it was. So when New Clubs started this was how they would act and the Original Motorcycle Clubs now had members who where young kids looking to prove how tough they where by starting fights with each other. The Original Motorcycle Club Members had been threw wars together and they where as hard as nails they had nothing to prove to no one, But these younger members felt that they did and would imitate the Biker Clubs from the Movies they had scene and soon it was Biker against Biker, Brother against Brother, MC against MC. This began the Dark age of the Motorcycle Gang Mentality years.

Now for the question Why did this Happen? Well When something Changes the way of thinking and being of Groups like the Motorcycle Clubs so far from their original ideals, You have to ask was it just an accident these movies did this? Or is there more to it? Was there a plan behind it? Is there someone or some group out there that would benefit from having these large groups of Motorcycle Clubs who are run in a very military fashion and are made up of many ex-Military Members fighting against each other? If these Clubs all got along and worked together the world could be a very Different place! Are there people out there who are afraid of this happening?

Today there are very few Clubs left that have the Gang Mentality most have gone back to the Brotherhood way and the word Gang in the Motorcycle Club world has become almost the equivalent of a racial slur. Now as Motorcycle Clubs are beginning to go back to the way it was at the start and trying to put the past behind them, I am noticing that there are more and more Biker movies and TV shows Coming out. Will these shows show MC's in a good way? Will they go out of their way to stir up the quarrels of the past? Will they show us as mindless Bullies much as the Movie Wild Hogs did? Most Important will we let them influence how we really are? Or have we learned from our past? If all continues to go well we could soon be making are way into the second Gold age of Motorcycle Club Brotherhood back to where it all began!!!

Are you part of the Problem? or part of the Solution? I am Your Bro, L.J. James - 30535

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What Are The Symptoms That Indicate a Panic Attack?

By Greg Anderson

Panic attack symptoms might be different for every person, but most of the time there is more than just the feelings of panic. A person who suffers a panic attack usually feels frightened, out of control, and like they are a prisoner of this serious medical problem.

Everybody is unique, but almost always panic attacks that are ignored will only keep getting worse and more frequent.

The DSM IV, the manual of the American Psychiatric Association, states that panic attacks will commonly start with a time of extreme fear, which is then accompanied by a minimum of four of the symptoms that are listed below. All five symptoms must be present during this time.

In order for the panic attack to qualify as a medical panic attack, the symptoms will have reached their high point inside of ten minutes.

Panic Attack Symptoms

Some of the symptoms that define a panic attack are: Heart Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate, Sweating, chills, or hot flashes, feeling of smothering or being unable to breathe, sensation of choking, chest pain or discomfort, feelings of nausea, abdominal distress, feelings of faintness, dizziness, or being lightheaded, fear of losing control, fear of going insane, fear of dying, and numbness or tingling in the body.

Because panic attack symptoms are truly nightmarish for many, the attacks can really interfere with quality of life. Treatment is vital, and stopping future attacks is also important.

Regardless of how severe panic attacks are, it is possible to get rid of them for good. A smart approach will involve a program using brain psychology such as Panic Away. Methods like the ones contained in that program can help you to understand the origins of attacks and stop them. - 30535

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Stress Relief Products: What Are Some Products that'll help you Relieve Stress?

By Joanne Morton

Stress relief products are a great way to help you relax your mind. The reason for this is because they sooth you in some kind of way or they're able to focus your attention on them so your mind is taken off other things. This is very important when it comes to helping you relax. You can't relax if your mind is still focused on all the things that are causing you to be stressed in the first place.

To help you get the ball rolling their are many different stress relief products you can use. I will show you a few of thema nd explain their uses in this article. Don't forget and stress relief does not have to be a product, it can be anything that helps you relax and ease your mind.

Aroma Therapy Candles

For those who have a hard time focusing these are excellent to use. You can find these candles in many different forms and in all kinds of different stores. Use them while you are doing something like meditating, and be sure to choose a scent you really like. People are concentrating on the smell so much, this really works. you will loose sight of all your worries and just concentrate on the smell of the candle. While relaxing your muscles in a luke warm bath you can light them too.

Soothing music

Soothing music will help you to relax in ways you can't begin to imagine. This is because you'll be able to find music to fit many different moods. Music works in various ways, and you'll be able to use whatever music puts you in a relaxing mood. Here are some different types of music you can use to get started. See which one you like best and then use them in your relaxation sessions.

Motivational music

A hypnotic recording

Background music such as the ocean or birds chirping

Soothing sounds like a whale

These are all great; you can also use one of your favorite songs from child hood. This way you may experience some of the feelings you felt when you were that age and this will help you to relax even more.

A tension device

You can use a tension device to help get rid of stress. These have been known to be good stress relief products and you can find different kinds. All you have to do is squeeze them in a certain way, the purpose is to help you relax and get rid of tension by focusing your energy. This has been as great treatment for people with anger management issues as well.

You will want to look for many other stress relief products. This was just a little list of whats available. Feel free to try one of the ones I listed. But know there are many more complex stress relief products out there that might be able to do a better job for you. - 30535

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Rebirthing Breath

By Ellen Valentine

It can be said that as a person breathes, so they do life. That is self explanatory but just in case it wasnt clear, if your breath is open and consciously engaged, you are fully alive; if however your breath is shallow and often stops, you are living a contracted and less than fulfilling life. The reality is that your breath is your connection to the Divine. It is the Inspiration to live, the Breath of Life.

Take a full and luscious breath right now; breathe deeply. How do you feel? You feel open, ready to let in life, right? Of course it may have scared you, to take a deep and connected breath, and only you can answer that, but the simple act will always tell you volumes about your present state of BEING. If it hurts or feels difficult on any level then you NEED TO BREATHE.

Breathing seems so ordinary that most people are not conscious of the delicious nature of the Breath; in fact, many people today are simply not conscious; and, the breathing mechanism is the perfect gauge for our ability in any moment to truly live a full life.

Rebirthing breath is a spiritual awakening and a reconnection to our own core essence. The session itself may heal any manner of misperceptions a person has incorporated during a lifetime but more importantly it has the ability to shift the energetic clout of the aberrated thought. So, lets go through that again.

Thoughts that are not for our own good, like I will never be able to do that well, have an energetic power that keep them in our consciousness. The energetic nature of a thought is more powerful when the circumstance that set it in motion is suppressed or put out of the conscious mind. In other words the more painful the experience, when there is need to shove it out of consciousness to get on with life, an instance especially true of children when they are emotionally damaged.

Thoughts that have a lot of suppressed energy around them are thoughts that seem very real. They are not true but they feel very true, and they continue manifesting as a persons reality. They have been given energetic life.

You and I are energetic Beings. We are creating energetically what we believe to be true for us. So good or bad, every person is creating out of nothing, simply the unconscious and conscious mind. That was actually meant to be the greatest gift ever to humans. The resurgence of the teachings of Emerson, Charles Haanel, Wallace Wattles and others reminds us that there have been teachers all along who understood the power of the creative thought. They spent their lives sharing their understanding with others.

A breathing professional guides the session, making sure that no hesitation on the part of the breather gets in the way of a completed energy cycle. With this cycle of energy a certain amount of stored or blocked energy can be released. The thoughts attached are relinquished as they are exposed as untrue and no longer useful.

If youre planning on having a baby and wish for a gentle and trauma free birth, your fist plan of action would be a ten week series of sessions for both mother and father. It will not be possible for the baby to be birth trauma free if everyone involved has not handled their own birth trauma first. Babies process the fear and apprehension of the parents not only at birth but in the womb. One session never fixes all but it is the beginning of a persons relationship with their ultimate life machine " their Breath.

Ten sessions are recommended as the minimum for anyone to feel really comfortable about breathing on their own. It also gives time for the greater part of contracted energy to be released in the presence of someone who will be there with the breather, lend compassion, and help them process any unresolved residue

Rebirthing is a technique I learned in1988. It made such an impact on my ability to expand and see certain circumstances in my own life clearly, and reconstruct them. It was amazing and I wanted to give that same gift to others. I still use rebirthing breath with clients and self. I have my own unique processing at the end of each session, after the energy cycle has been accomplished, and design a concentrated program during the ten weeks that is unique for each client.

Rebirthing is definitely a spiritual experience. Much of the success of the session hinges on the progress and expectation of the facilitator, plus the willingness of the breather but I have seen lives changed with the process.

Breathe Deeply, Inspire Yourself, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 30535

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Depression And How To Deal With It

By Jane Sullivan Daniels

Everyone goes through tough times in their lives and some people deal with it better than others. Whereas some people take it in their stride and move forward with their lives, others can't get past it and spiral into depression. People who are psychologically weak generally have trouble getting out of depression once they are in it, especially if it is allowed to develop. Dealing with depression in the early stages is the best way of making a person feel better.

All of us do get depressed sometime or the other, but for some people, depending on what has happened to them, dealing with depression becomes impossible. They just get engulfed into a negative thought process just like a man losing himself in quick sand. Yes, this is indeed dangerous and people who are mentally unequipped do go into a state of shock which could lead to a physical problem like coma.

Many doctors have said that people who are suffering from depression should spend time around people who tend to take life in their stride and who're generally light hearted about things. However a lot of the time, trying to deal with depression can leave people seeking solitude and people are usually completely unaware of any way to get themselves out of the spiral. There are lots of reasons why people get depressed.

When somebody loses a loved one, he or she may get into depression. But this could lead to be chronic if people don't return to normality from this state in the early stages. Dealing with depression in such situations needs to be done with utmost care, understanding and love. Sometimes, these depressive states could change their personality altogether.

If a personality exhibits hesitation, an expressionless face, silence or negative thinking, they could all be grouped under the symptoms of person entering depression. Dealing with depression requires a lot of self awareness. A person himself could come out of it without help from anybody assuming he knows what to do. When a depressed person feels that he has to overcome this overwhelming negative emotion in him, he automatically switches to doing and seeing more positive things. This self reliant way of dealing with depression needs a lot of courage and will power, otherwise a psychologist or doctor must be consulted. - 30535

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