Be Prepared For These Tough Interview Questions

By Glenn Hughes

Interviewers can be very difficult. Some people seem to wear the badge of honour of being the toughest interviewer in the business. Relax, nobody is all bad- they need to fill the role and someone has to get the job. Plan ahead and no question is too tough but plan you must or reap the consequences

Tell me something interesting about yourself. Often used to open up a discussion, this gives you the opportunity to talk about something of your choice. Be prepared to discuss how please you have been with some of your past achievements. Stay positive and show how much it meant to you to win the competition, sales award, how you like to succed, overcome obstacles, etc. This is one question that you must be prepared to answer- its almost bound to come up

Why are you interested in this role? A bit of a banana skin this one- they are looking for your motivation. You need to talk about the challenges that you believe you will be facing, and also point to achievements that you have delivered in the past, referencing them to how they will benefit the new company

What do you think about the company that you used to work for? Red flashing light alert- they are trying to trap you into saying something awful. Even if the company you used to work for was the worst slave driving place on earth, find something good to say about it. You went there in the first place for a reason and no company is all bad. Stay positive, explain what you learned and stay right away from any criticism

What package are you looking for? Keep your cool, this question means that they are interested in you or they wouldn't ask it. Whilst discussing salary isn't usually a good idea, they started this discussion so it's fair game. A good response is to ask them what sort of package they had in mind, or what was the last holder of the job being paid?

In business, do you have to tell the truth. Of course the answer is yes, you do have to tell the truth. This is an advanced interview question designed like a scalpel to open you up. Any interviewer asking this sort of question is one to be respected- be on your guard. You should never ever have to lie in business- any company that asks you to do this and you should run a mile

What is the worst thing about you? A massive trap this one- you feel like you need to say something, but what? Try to answer by focusing on something innocuous. For example, I can work a little too hard sometimes and people who don't put in the same effort don't like being shown up. Corny answer? They asked the question! - 30535

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